Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Birthday "Olivillian"

Olivia and Lillian both had birthday's in January.  I can't believe how big they are already!  We had a week filled with birthday fun.  First we celebrated Lily turning 2.  She wasn't quite old enough for a party, but we invited one of her friends to go to Jumpin Jacks with us and they had lots of fun.  Although, I think it would have been just as much fun to go and ride the merry-go-round over and over.  Lily got to pick her birthday dinner and surprisingly, or not, she chose mac-n-cheese and olives.  We also had a cake for her and opened presents.

Several days later we celebrated Liv turning 5!  I can't believe my baby is already 5!!!   Liv had a pretty low key birthday since she had a birthday party scheduled for a couple of days later.  She also got to pick her birthday dinner, and once again we had mac-n-cheese and olives.  We got a little pack of cupcakes, since she had a big cake for her party and sang and opened present with her.

A couple of days after that we did a family party for the girls since Grammy Lollie and Grampy Rob were visiting.  Aunt Moni, Uncle Johnny and puppy Zoe came down as well.  They opened presents from aunts, uncle and cousins, as well and Grandma and Grandpa.  I think we even web cammed in Aunt Jessi.

Finally Liv had her birthday party with some friends.  She wanted to go to the park and have a princess party.  The kids each got to paint a picture frame and decorate it with stickers.  I took pictures each of the kids to put in their frame.  I think the pictures are still sitting on my counter so I can take them to the kids.  That is the problem with doing parties when you are 8 months pregnant!!  She also had a castle pinata and a princess cake.  It was lots of fun.

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