Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Last Weekend and It's Official

Last weekend my sister Monica called me and said "John and I are going to the zoo, do you guys want to come?" And we sure did. We had actually been wanting to go to the zoo for almost two months, but due to the crazy weather here (it couldn't decide whether to be hot or cold) and our travels during March, we just haven't made it there. So we ended up making it a big party, Monica and John, Jessi and AJ, and Marcus, Livvy and I all went. It was a beautiful day, albeit a little toasty. We weren't sure what Livvy would think, but she really enjoyed looking at the animals. She also wanted to push her own stroller around. She loved looking at the elephants and also really liked the monkeys. When we were done we played on the playground for a bit before heading home. Here are some pictures.

Here are a couple pictures of Uncle AJ being a turtle. We thought they were funny.

As for our official news... No we aren't pregnant. We are building a house! It is kind of a long story as to why we chose to build, but it's just what worked the best for us. We have already chosen all of our structural upgrades. We also took a "fact finding" trip to the design center (everything inside) and were able to look at our choices there so we have a pretty idea what we want when we go back to chose for real. They have put our papers into the city to get the permits and things needed and will hopefully break ground in about 2 weeks. We are excited!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


This past Monday, Winder Farms, Marcus' employer, announced that Marcus had filled the role of Customer Service Manager. We are very excited. Marcus finished his Management Training rotation and moved into his new role this week. He will be shadowing the current CSM and then will take over completely in June. His promotion will keep us in Utah for the next few years, so we are able to start looking at houses. (We previously didn't know if he would be transfered out of Salt Lake upon completing his training rotation.) Just wanted to let everyone know so you can all be excited with us.

PS - We are currently accepting donations :) (Anyone who read this earlier, don't judge my spelling, I am often distracted while typing.)